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1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

(PiggyWiggy) (PiggyWiggy)

"propaganda-chan. everyone was making such cool propaganda art and i couldn't think of any so i did what i always do - i chanified it. enjoy!"

I love my country!

Maddi (maddisonbaek) Maddi (maddisonbaek)

"Is there a lore reason why there are so many joms?"

We used to keep a few out back... They're multiplying and getting stronger. Just keep the back door of the Museum closed.

Thank you maddi! Good reference to a legendary post, and I appreciate being included in the only non propaganda piece!

(Daxtear) (Daxtear)

"Since there is no way joe plays Xenoblade X, even if the Xenoblade series gets selected, Cross Code has no chance of winning, and I don't really want any of the anime on display to win, including nothing, I am instead contributing to a far greater cause. I am sorry to all of the other creative and skilled fanartists in the community, because this year the best fanart has been That True Anderson Stare by 4G-LTE. And since you can't improve upon perfection like that, I am instead following the lead of Simon and Mark by providing a Variant of sorts to this masterpiece. Vote That True Anderson Stare for best fart."

This fucking thing has popped up to the top of my image folder as the preview for the contents of fanart so it's been staring at me all day
I hate it but I love it.

(Krakonis) (Krakonis)

"A bit of quick propaganda for the soul. Vote SPY X FAMILY for most anticipated anime! Strictly for the purpose of good vibes."

I am spreading propaganda oomfie

Tep (tep4) Tep (tep4)

"biblically accurate Okabe

anyway vote steens gate"

Stop making me download shirtless men to my pc on purpose

MalCaor (mal_caor) MalCaor (mal_caor)

"First fanart from a mostly lurking fan, thank you for your videos and amazing streams Joe.
Anyway, time for some propaganda... Vote Evangelion for the most FEARED marble NOW! (and anticipated too, if you wish)
All memes aside, actually not a bad first anime, it’s relatively short, good from start to finish (End of Eva might be one of the best animated movies ever made), and a great segue into other shows.
Streaming it however… Well, it’s not feared for nothing."

Ooooooooo I love this one but I can't gush on a short schedule so let me say art is great, I love the linework a LOT.
This was originally intended to be a black and white piece, but it was switched to colour! And I'm glad it was.

(Bulder) (Bulder)

"Come save your clips, as Trolley-chan flips
By name I will summon her
From the noise of the streets, the Chat never sleeps
It's a Dark O-Chan Summoning

[the jphGeno emote by Maddison Baek]"

Ok I secretly love the effect when transparent art gets added to the Gallery. looks cool.

TC Agam (picciz) TC Agam (picciz)

"We interrupt your regularly scheduled propa-chan-da for... what started as posing and composition practice for me before the awards were announced and I made some hasty edits"

This is soooooo fucking good, the pose is really on brand, the framing is so cool, the- Oh we're short on time? Like 60 fanart or more? Sorry. Great art!

Hope (hopehajime) Hope (hopehajime)

"Listen. Listen. I'm not even home right now. I rode two hours to a whole ass different city and I am in a fucking hotel. The only table in the room is occupied and I'm here, lying in the bed, drawing JADSEYA propaganda (even though I didn't plan to!!!) on the scraps that I got after my printer failed a couple of months ago and which I've been using instead of a sketchbook because that's kind of life I'm leading. I'm not even going to be awake for the stream! I'm not going to be able to watch the VOD for dog knows how long!!! I'm in endless torment!!!!!!
So please respect the grind. Vote Anne for Rain World, Rain World for Dujanah, and Dujanah for Anne.
Also vote Dujanah if you like banger quotes, such as
I read that all angels are made from trembling shafts of light and with no free-will. The more I learn about science and philosophy, the more it seems that we are all angels.
Hopelessness makes the world abstruse. She would spend the rest of her life turning to speak to them.
and, of course,

Oh don't you worry, we'll get to the Anne and Rainworld art you did. I respect the grind and the ability to do a good job despite the long travel. DUJANAH LETS GOOOO

EleventyOne (eleventyone#8522) EleventyOne (eleventyone#8522)

"Please vote Ghost Trick for Best Writing in a Streamed Game! Its original concept, impeccable pacing, and masterfully foreshadowed narrative deserve to be celebrated. The game comes together into a wholly idiosyncratic experience through its many distinct and memorable characters that all feel like they belong in the world; multiple intersecting plotlines that return and resolve in surprising ways; and an ever-increasing list of mysteries that the game manages to wrap up in the end. It balances light-hearted moments with an impressive emotional core for its characters. And it does all that in a dozen hours. However, Ghost Trick's narrative isn't just a satisfying story that is enjoyable as a traditional mystery; it's a cohesive work that works best as an interactive experience. Both the gameplay and story are constrained by the same rules that govern Ghost Trick's universe, ensuring that both aspects are tightly interwoven and mutually beneficial. Both gameplay and story are further expertly realized through the game's presentational style. The deliberate theatrical perspective mimics the sensation of sitting in an audience and looking into the world that is unfolding on stage, as if we are an outside force looking into the world of the living. This theatrical perspective is effectively used to allow the characters to flourish on screen, while simultaneously building suspense, and ingeniously obscuring the mystery right in front of our eyes. Going back and seeing all the immaculate foreshadowing you inevitably missed your first time through makes this a story that you can appreciate even more on a second playthrough. I was very happy to see that the story still held up as a one-of-a-kind narrative that doesn't outstay its welcome after all these years; a story - its soul revived over a decade later - which continues to change the fates of those that cross paths with it."


Aman (aman_s) Aman (aman_s)

"proper gander or smth, idk im not british
I don't have strong preferences for any games from JADSEYA'23, BUT..... I would like to propose a pre-emptive candidate for JADSEYA'24 instead - Warframe

it has the thing Joe loves in movement in games - the ultimate "fidget to go faster" technique - Bullet Jump, in addition to parkour, sliding & rolling to go even faster

also, the game is liked by some prominent members of our community, e.g. Marik, with his WF chan-art you would finally be able to understand & Eva (the Forspoken Fan) who at some point had been an official Warframe content creation partner

the game is a 10 year old free to play game, it wouldn't have survived it for so long if it was bad 🙂"

You know what, I respect it. Warframe for 2024!!

Meesk (meeskify) Meesk (meeskify)

"i come bearing propaganda for the worst game on the most anticipated list. however I unfortunately do enjoy a kingdom hearts so presenting: joe sora. jora, if you will."

Bold move for the kingdom hearts fans, let's see if it pays off

Oh that's the ONLY KH propaganda, incredible I'll just assume that's why everyone votes it.
Next up for anticipated games is....

Aleck (pie_or_yayness) Aleck (pie_or_yayness)

"Logging into jads before jadseya looks like this. Too many good games, I don't know what to draw propaganda for so I went with everything (Rain World/Pathologic/Fear and Hunger/Xenoblade propaganda I guess)."

I... I uh... Whe- which... Ah well, let's roll with it. That banner is a sign, lets continue with Xenoblade propagana!

MakeJoeSuffer (manicderrikk) MakeJoeSuffer (manicderrikk)

"My first crappy propaganda piece I'm happy to post here"

Thank you for the art and the username! I agree!

MakeJoeSuffer (manicderrikk) MakeJoeSuffer (manicderrikk)

"Xenoblade is such a le hidden gem, I wish people could experience it through Joe"

Hey wait a second...
(I absolutely adore the art here, the background especially)

CrimsonOcat CrimsonOcat

"I can't pick my favorite child so here is 2 of them"

Alright... Let's get serious. I like both of these games too, so here's my plea: Whatever is currently winning between the two? We pool our votes together and try our hardest to make one win over Pathologic. Divided we are weak, but united, we are strong. If GAA is ahead of Xenoblade, I'll gladly switch my vote.

(Retinas) (Retinas)

"that's right, even I made one"

Hey. I made my terms clear.
Anyway wasn't this supposed to be Xenoblade propaganda hours? Rude.

sjfn ajsnjf njacs (hollowknight0849) sjfn ajsnjf njacs (hollowknight0849)

"very jank propaganda"

"Now place your slugcat on my chest"

Uh oh I'm not at all sure what kind of propaganda this is anymore...

(KnightedSensei) (KnightedSensei)

"Here at JADSEYA 2023, we asked Slugcat about his nomination:
“Hello, first I’d just like to thank each of the rain world voters for all of their support - I wouldn’t be here tonight without you all. And congratulations to the other nominees, it’s an honour to be up here by their side. Really, I’m just looking forward to a great show tonight! Good luck everyone!“"

And here we are! Slugcat has arrived at the Awards after Xenoblade, and in style!

A Fish (afish6894) A Fish (afish6894)

"The little guy is out there in the streets"

fun fact a fish has their pronouns listed as "he/is outside your home right now" and i choose to think that's related.

Paddle (paddele) Paddle (paddele)

""pathologic is like outer wilds" immersive sims nerds are great and all, but have you considered that we can get another trolley chan stream?"

OUTSTANDING play by paddle, lets see how it pans out....

SleepyGriffin (tiredgriffin) SleepyGriffin (tiredgriffin)

"Drew a Slugcat in a plugsuit from Evangelion for some double propaganda
Vote Rainworld for most wanted game AND vote Neon Genesis Evangelion for most anticipated/feared marble (preferably both)!!"

~This was all a cool Slugcat fanart from the start!

Man of Shadows (manofshadows) Man of Shadows (manofshadows)

"Rain World is apparently one of the few games I hold in high enough regard to use as motivation to make art, and I had to learn how to model and rig in blender to make this. Trust in the wise words of the Jomscat, he would never lead you astray! :)"

my GOD is the collective strong huh

baldur (baaaldur) baldur (baaaldur)

"I've never submitted fanart before, since I'm not very good at this "drawing" business... but I thought it'd be a shame if I didn't submit at least one propaganda piece of my own making, even if it's just a crappy sketch. So behold: FAITOW-cat, who urges you to vote for the game which consists almost entirely of faffing around - Rain World!"

Aka FARW. Nah, doesn't roll off the tounge

Sam (samrambo) Sam (samrambo)

"Inspired by a poster from Les Misérables, the rain world collective requests us to unite against the pathology! Together we can vote for a more unique and less painful experience! Vote for atmosphere, environmental storytelling and a compelling and unique world!"

Fascinating touch putting all the different game's characters behind slugcat.

Hope (hopehajime) Hope (hopehajime)

And here's Hope's second art! This time it's rainworld!

Chrome (chrome_dollar) Chrome (chrome_dollar)

"got a last second request for this."

Thank you chrome for uploading this at this time. thank you. thank you.
I will be adding no more fanart, this is the last one.

(Green.Trees) (Green.Trees)

"Returning to the world of J Andy fan art with this monstrosity, I present: Make It Rain World, aka my official propaganda for the weebs of the channel. This is in no way preemptive changing, and is just an accurate portrayal of what this game is all about 🙂
Vote Rain world!"

Green!! I love your art, so glad to see you back with your painterly style, I almost forgive you for giving slugcat a dump truck.

Paddle (paddele) Paddle (paddele)

"breaker chan as a (slug)cat girl"

I'm so confused how to feel about this.

(KnightedSensei) (KnightedSensei)

"Vote Rain World Vote Rain World Vote Rain World Vote Rain World Vote Rain World Vote Rain World Vote Rain World Vote Rain World …

(thanks to everyone letting me use their artworks as well)"


EleventyOne (eleventyone#8522) EleventyOne (eleventyone#8522)

"I am sharing a piece of counterpropaganda, because I refuse to vote! How can I pick between my two favorite games: The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and Rain World? Instead, I will let a mascot from each game fight it out amongst themselves. Chuunosuke and Slugcat in "Twisted Karma VS The Void Survivor""


Sam (samrambo) Sam (samrambo)

"‘Vote Rain world for a fear and hunger like experience.’ Wait I think I got my wires crossed. Anyways vote rain world."

Are we still on rainworld? I think that's the end. I'm not sure anymore

(Zorgrox) (Zorgrox)

"So there's a reason I've never posted fanart before, because uh, this doesn't belong in the museum:Jomseph: , but Sam (samrambo) had the exact opposite idea as me and Kaylie said this would be a good segue, so here we go!"

Yeah I think it was funny as hell but god damn that took like 20 mins after i said to do it

Jelly (jelly386) and Connie (constantineishere) Jelly (jelly386) and Connie (constantineishere)

"Within the depths of the Castle, the Voters have stumbled upon something mysterious...Growling and making strange noises, overwhelming the presence of the narrow path, stands a stumbling mess of flesh and bones, covered in muck. The party in shook, as before them stands Devouring Dragon.

Upon closer inspection, those withered bubbling parts of skin were not an infection, but a mutation, screaming and wailing in pain, a pile of previous Venturing Voters.

"Get the Blade!.."`` "Do not lose logic upon your path..." "World is cruel, not even rain can wash away the blood..." "The principle! Do not..."

Their attempts at advice and plead for help is fruitless, pointless, even. They seek others to help on ended journey, which will never see a good end.

But maybe you, Voters, can not meet the same fate. Do not let Fear overcome. Do not Hunger for weeb streams. And remember you need to vote for Fear & Hunger to see the Dragon in the Dungeon in the right place, where he may find rest.

Base sprite, editing and message constructed by Connie
Refining, shading, painting, rendering and editor help by Jelly
Cat Girl Sprite mod by: https://www.youtube.com/@sapogdarce"

I'm less and less sure what Fear and Hunger is about.
Vote it if you wanna know!

Jester (steeljester) Jester (steeljester)

"Vote Pathologic for the BEST WORST experience of 2024! It’s going to be GREAT ✨"

Thank you jester. I don't even care you're sabotaging Xenoblade, this art is fantastic. The shifting of the posters, the use of Fei from Xenosaga next to slug cat as figures, very nicely done, the changing of the books, even the flowers. This is incredible I love it. Your art is gorgeous and the small touches all over make this a pleasure to show.

(henrywayat) (henrywayat)

"Because it's as good as Disco Elysium! I was picturing [REDACTED] as a tragic character so he holds a mask of a tragedian from Pathologic series. Also it's an homage to the obscure film called the Dark Knight."

I love the expression here.

Maddi (maddisonbaek) Maddi (maddisonbaek)

"Joeruspex propaganda"

I'm weak to the expressions maddi draws. They're good. Immaculate.

Graveyard (grave.yard) Graveyard (grave.yard)

"uh, vote pathologic"

Okay. Not going to lie, sick as hell style.

Aleck (pie_or_yayness) Aleck (pie_or_yayness)

"Pathologic jadseya propaganda. Or is it anne french fry propaganda? I don't even know myself at this point."

It's pathologic propaganda because I'm not making this behemoth of a fanart any harder to handle. You go in the Pathologic section DEAR GOD WHY IS THERE MORE ART BEING ADDED

Maddi (maddisonbaek) Maddi (maddisonbaek)

"Joeruspex propaganda once again. But this time, it's more dramatic."

And as the pathologic propaganda ends, so does the game propaganda... But the chanaganda begins...
What do you mean chans were featured before in this showcase?

Jelly (jelly386) Jelly (jelly386)

"i'm very busy with finals myself, so have some very sketchy propaganda for my beloved daughter
she's dreaming about getting off of work to attend the JADSEYA awards and getting to wear a pretty dress"

Optional (mandatory) side quest: Take FIA with you as your date to the Awards Ceremony!

Emmi (voltivemmi_9307) Emmi (voltivemmi_9307)

"Chan of the year has some great nominees this year, with Trolley-chan and Piss-chan as the powerhouses of the vote. Propaganda for Anne, propaganda for Carpenter Bee-chan... but Fia-chan is TOO BUSY to promote herself, with too much optional content with meager rewards, yet she still soldiers on. If she can't promote on her own, I'll just have to propaganda for her.


Do it for her, chat.

Ney (neymiiii) Ney (neymiiii)

"Trolley chan
"Trolley chan"
Trolley chan"

Trolley chan

luna-panda (luna.panda) luna-panda (luna.panda)

"Need I say more?"

yeah fair enough

luna-panda (luna.panda) luna-panda (luna.panda)

"Just a reminder what you gonna miss out on if Trolley-Chan won’t win"

Pov; you are just a little vent

Adros (adros_88948) Adros (adros_88948)

"Shameless propag... I mean new fanart!"

Hey! Wait a second, we can't announce that yet! We have more chans to talk about!

c8 (c806256) c8 (c806256)

"Not really propaganda, just happy to see my girl get nominated!"

She looks stunning! Great work c8!

(MiniNinja2) (MiniNinja2)

"Piss-chan propaganda is not a phrase I though I would ever say"

I watched in horror as this concept formed in real time in jads.

(MiniNinja2) (MiniNinja2)

"Piss-chan cosplays an Indie character"

No Jads, I will NOT rename the "I'm not calling it that" folder to the Piss folder.

Chrome (chrome_dollar) Chrome (chrome_dollar)

"Too much do you think?"

You have upload perms to Museum, not my concern.
But yes, you will need her to follow dress code if you want her to get in.

Chrome (chrome_dollar) Chrome (chrome_dollar)

"She got herself a last minute hair outfit"

I'm not sure if this is better or worse

(Simmsy) (Simmsy)

"Thanks for the nominations folks!!! ❤️"

Wait a sec is this kind of campaign allowed? What's going on here?

(Simmsy) (Simmsy)

"new strat"

Hm... Didn't we agree on a dress code for the JADSEYA Awards? Is this allowed either?

(Simmsy) (Simmsy)

"buzz buzz voters"

Hold on this is even mor- I have just been informed to let her continue unimpeeded


"Bee and Pill chan finale."

So sad... but true!

(MiniNinja2) (MiniNinja2)

"New propaganda"

Awww, look! It's Anne again! I believe in you Anne, no matter what happens, be glad with how high you're polling. The people love you!

(dalmek) (dalmek)

"Cute Fry (featuring: curly fry hair and a decade of rust)"

Cute Fry. Cute Fry. Cute Fry.

(snowdozer) (snowdozer)

"Anne French Fry"

I adore the linework here, really clean and it pops so well. Thank you for your contribution to the propaganda brainwashing the masses

Hope (hopehajime) Hope (hopehajime)

It's Hope's last last minute art!

Kingrat (missoranje) Kingrat (missoranje)

"I had been thinking about doing a chan cosplay already and propoganda for the awards seems like the perfect time. Anne French Fry has captured my heart as a lil underdog and I urge you all to vote for her as the best new chan!"

Loves Gravity Rush and Anne French Fry? I don't know, maybe kingrat is just biased towards the french. Maybe I'm just too British.

(snowdozer) (snowdozer)

"One last shitpost for the road"

My brain is mush, ok I THINK that's all the Anne art, it's hard to tell.

4G-LTE (4glte) 4G-LTE (4glte)

"Dryer-chan deserves better than to be left all alone with the basement toxins. She deserves a gorgeous view... on the boat. Do the right thing."

You got to admit, she not only has a great design, but such a striking pose here. Thank you 4g!

Hope (hopehajime) Hope (hopehajime)

"...now, Ms. Wheel. I saw her down at the hotel all the time, shuffling cards and smiling both when she won and when she lost. I didn't know she was the owner of the hotel until I sat down opposite of her.
"It's always a pleasure to see someone of your status at my establishment," she said, her voice pur velvet. "Baccarat?"
"Chemin de fer," I nodded, watching her hands.
"In a hurry somewhere?" she asked, raising a brow.
"I like having a chance at winning."
Ms. Wheel smirked without looking at me. "Don't get too bold."

i had a beautiful vision, so i brought it to life. wheel chan my beloved"

I speak a lot about lineart here, but one of the things I appreciate the most is art that hardly has it!
It's so clean and gorgeous!

Tep (tep4) Tep (tep4)

"Vote Eric, vote often (#VoteEricVoteOften)"

We have reached out to our resident lorekeeper Retinas for further comment on whether this would put Eric into the Chan Category of the wiki.

Tep (tep4) Tep (tep4)

"she got a shirt made"

Thank you tep! I choose to believe the writing on the waistband cutting off like that was intentional instead of asking.

(Krakonis) (Krakonis)

"Propaganda for the one true BOAT, bomb chan!

She's the only one of the chans who canonically has experience as a sailor, and was a main character in the voting game. What's not to love???

I tried to do it in black and white, like the comics marik did in the voting game, to honor tradition."

Who then? Who will join the boat? What will the view look like? Let's take a look...

Parkiranhonda Parkiranhonda

"Just Bike-chan waiting who will accompany her on the boat"

Joe forgive Park for their last fanart, this one is gorgeous. We're almost certainly running out of time so skip this if you want to.

HOLY SHIT I love this art.
There's texturing around the side, the clouds, and oh my GOD THE SHADING. I adore this so much, and that shading blends perfectly with the coloured lineart. Vibrant, I love the look of the jacket too, but there's loads of little touches like that with ripples in the clothing, and don't get me STARTED on the hair. She's so cute and I love the art it's incredible. I'm shilling, who cares, follow them on Twitter, @parkiranhonda