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Aleck (pie_or_yayness) Aleck (pie_or_yayness)

"Logging into jads before jadseya looks like this. Too many good games, I don't know what to draw propaganda for so I went with everything (Rain World/Pathologic/Fear and Hunger/Xenoblade propaganda I guess)."

I... I uh... Whe- which... Ah well, let's roll with it. That banner is a sign, lets continue with Xenoblade propagana!

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Aleck (pie_or_yayness) Aleck (pie_or_yayness)

"Pathologic jadseya propaganda. Or is it anne french fry propaganda? I don't even know myself at this point."

It's pathologic propaganda because I'm not making this behemoth of a fanart any harder to handle. You go in the Pathologic section DEAR GOD WHY IS THERE MORE ART BEING ADDED

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Aleck (pie_or_yayness) Aleck (pie_or_yayness)

"one day I will stop drawing with computer mouse, but today is not that day"

That's the secret, you don't have to, even my hypnospace art was done with mouse.
If it works, it works, and look at this art, it worked. Good... work?

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)