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Emmi (voltivemmi_9307) Emmi (voltivemmi_9307)

"Chan of the year has some great nominees this year, with Trolley-chan and Piss-chan as the powerhouses of the vote. Propaganda for Anne, propaganda for Carpenter Bee-chan... but Fia-chan is TOO BUSY to promote herself, with too much optional content with meager rewards, yet she still soldiers on. If she can't promote on her own, I'll just have to propaganda for her.


Do it for her, chat.

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

(MiniNinja2) (MiniNinja2)

"Piss-chan propaganda is not a phrase I though I would ever say"

I watched in horror as this concept formed in real time in jads.

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

(MiniNinja2) (MiniNinja2)

"Piss-chan cosplays an Indie character"

No Jads, I will NOT rename the "I'm not calling it that" folder to the Piss folder.

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Chrome (chrome_dollar) Chrome (chrome_dollar)

"She got herself a last minute hair outfit"

I'm not sure if this is better or worse

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Chrome (chrome_dollar) Chrome (chrome_dollar)

"Too much do you think?"

You have upload perms to Museum, not my concern.
But yes, you will need her to follow dress code if you want her to get in.

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

(Parkiranhonda) (Parkiranhonda)

"I was thinking to draw another one, and then I have a thought maybe as a joke I should draw the infamous piss chan next... so I browse through the chanpedia and eh...huh.. cute.. oh well..."

"Joe can't silence the people forever. We miss the piss!" - Jelly, Local Piss Advocate

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)

(Simmsy) (Simmsy)

"my take on piss-chan, this version is a bathroom based mob boss
has hired goons"

Some clueless innocent person who just follows simmsy for boob art on twitter:
"You have the power of a God and this is what you do with it."

Don't worry Joe, we're out of the woods now.

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)

Zerst (zerstorenhv) Zerst (zerstorenhv)

"for legal reasons, i can neither confirm nor deny whether or not there is an actual design behind that black bar."

And with that we're exiting the horny zone.

Originally seen at The Handroid Edition (11th August 2023)