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EleventyOne (eleventyone#8522) EleventyOne (eleventyone#8522)

"Please vote Ghost Trick for Best Writing in a Streamed Game! Its original concept, impeccable pacing, and masterfully foreshadowed narrative deserve to be celebrated. The game comes together into a wholly idiosyncratic experience through its many distinct and memorable characters that all feel like they belong in the world; multiple intersecting plotlines that return and resolve in surprising ways; and an ever-increasing list of mysteries that the game manages to wrap up in the end. It balances light-hearted moments with an impressive emotional core for its characters. And it does all that in a dozen hours. However, Ghost Trick's narrative isn't just a satisfying story that is enjoyable as a traditional mystery; it's a cohesive work that works best as an interactive experience. Both the gameplay and story are constrained by the same rules that govern Ghost Trick's universe, ensuring that both aspects are tightly interwoven and mutually beneficial. Both gameplay and story are further expertly realized through the game's presentational style. The deliberate theatrical perspective mimics the sensation of sitting in an audience and looking into the world that is unfolding on stage, as if we are an outside force looking into the world of the living. This theatrical perspective is effectively used to allow the characters to flourish on screen, while simultaneously building suspense, and ingeniously obscuring the mystery right in front of our eyes. Going back and seeing all the immaculate foreshadowing you inevitably missed your first time through makes this a story that you can appreciate even more on a second playthrough. I was very happy to see that the story still held up as a one-of-a-kind narrative that doesn't outstay its welcome after all these years; a story - its soul revived over a decade later - which continues to change the fates of those that cross paths with it."


Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)