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Hope (hopehajime) Hope (hopehajime)

"Listen. Listen. I'm not even home right now. I rode two hours to a whole ass different city and I am in a fucking hotel. The only table in the room is occupied and I'm here, lying in the bed, drawing JADSEYA propaganda (even though I didn't plan to!!!) on the scraps that I got after my printer failed a couple of months ago and which I've been using instead of a sketchbook because that's kind of life I'm leading. I'm not even going to be awake for the stream! I'm not going to be able to watch the VOD for dog knows how long!!! I'm in endless torment!!!!!!
So please respect the grind. Vote Anne for Rain World, Rain World for Dujanah, and Dujanah for Anne.
Also vote Dujanah if you like banger quotes, such as
I read that all angels are made from trembling shafts of light and with no free-will. The more I learn about science and philosophy, the more it seems that we are all angels.
Hopelessness makes the world abstruse. She would spend the rest of her life turning to speak to them.
and, of course,

Oh don't you worry, we'll get to the Anne and Rainworld art you did. I respect the grind and the ability to do a good job despite the long travel. DUJANAH LETS GOOOO

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Courtesy of Hope! (hopehajime) Courtesy of Hope! (hopehajime)


A world-famous Twitch user ChimerasNotGoats once said, "We should play "Rabi-Ribi chat message" or "Dujanah chat message". So today we're going to be doing exactly that! I have picked Amazing Cool Very Awesome Quotes from both Rabi-Ribi's and Dujanah's Twitch chats to create the Hardest Guessing Game Ever. This is like "Pie or Anus", but you get Anus every other turn.
What's the prize for completing this trial? More quotes, of course -- each result description but one includes a score and a very special quote that is bound to make you laugh and/or get me in someone's blocklist!
So why don't we start?"

We're getting a little avant-garde with the finale of this week's fanart, but it's a special one-time gig so don't get too excited. UQuizzes have been a long-standing JADS traditions for eons now, so it was only a matter of time before a personalized one rolled around.

You know what else is special, despite not being a one-time gig? Our lovely fanartists and their immaculate art! As always, thank you for your submissions. Your boundless creativity and ambition are the hallmarks of the Nasapunk genre.

Originally seen at It Just Wokes (8th September 2023)

Also courtesy of Snowdozer! (snowdozer) Also courtesy of Snowdozer! (snowdozer)

"We Never Left Rabi-Ribi"

I'm not so sure we even *can* leave Rabi Ribi at this point. Bunnygirl ass is practically part of our DNA.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Hope, Hajime! (hopehajime) Hope, Hajime! (hopehajime)

"Excited for Joe to play Dujanah! I first wanted to do something slightly more pretty, but then I realized that it would require going out and buying some new materials, and it's far too hot to commit to the bit that hard. So you are getting. Whatever this is.

(I hope that when dog sends me to hell, he hesitates.)"

This was made by Hope, who also had an alternate name of Sasha hall, who had the pen name FGHNiki outside discord, and had the discord handle _creechur_

Last fanart made them change usernames lol, they were INCREDIBLY EMBARRASSED cos I had no idea which of the many names on their account and on the art and the handle to credit them by. Now all of their handles are unified! This isn't bullying I have permission to explain this.

Dujanah sure was a thing. Whatever happened there makes you think. Really makes you think. It sure do. Repent for your crime of killing Wobbles the clown, Joe.

Originally seen at janArt Initiative Activated (28th July 2023)