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4G-LTE (4glte) 4G-LTE (4glte)

"Dryer-chan deserves better than to be left all alone with the basement toxins. She deserves a gorgeous view... on the boat. Do the right thing."

You got to admit, she not only has a great design, but such a striking pose here. Thank you 4g!

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Paddle (paddele) Paddle (paddele)

"Disco Eric-sium: Chan of All Time Edition
I would do more disco elysium inspired art about Eric and Patch-Chan detective duo as propaganda, but my limited artistic ability forbids me right now"

[YOU] - These options are all very different and hard to pick - Can't I just say I like all of them?

[JOSEPH ANDERSON] - Pick one of these Chans or Eric or fuck off.

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)

Also courtesy of 4G-LTE! (4glte) Also courtesy of 4G-LTE! (4glte)

"a florence thingy i made cuz i miss her so much. why hasn't joe moved her up to his new setup yet?"

I feel like we all forgot that Joe just *left* Florence down there with the basement toxins.
I remember, though. I remember it so you don't have to.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)