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(PiggyWiggy) (PiggyWiggy)

"propaganda-chan. everyone was making such cool propaganda art and i couldn't think of any so i did what i always do - i chanified it. enjoy!"

I love my country!

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

(PiggyWiggy) (PiggyWiggy)

"hatsune mickey"

I believe in you Joe, you can at least get the Hatsune Mickey ending.

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)

Courtesy of PiggyWiggy! (piggywiggy) Courtesy of PiggyWiggy! (piggywiggy)

"this PSA was sponsored by the "Woke and Woke Agenda""

For more information on how to reacquire the ability to shoot giant laser guns, consider joining the Joseph Anderson Discord Server.

Originally seen at It Just Wokes (8th September 2023)

PiggyWiggy PiggyWiggy

"joe said that armoured core reminded him of rabi ribi and it fired some synapses in my brain lol"

War never chan ges...

Originally seen at Handsome Joe (4rd September 2023)

PiggyWiggy PiggyWiggy

"when your idol evolves or something, idk i've never played the game"

The Banking of the Day is...
Cream, like the best of streams, it's also the cream of the crop. Where the crop is cheeses.
Now, some might interpret this as meaning cream cheese, the spreadable American white ooze, but I'm choosing to interpret it as the Cream Havarti family of cheeses instead, because those are good.

Originally seen at The Handroid Edition (11th August 2023)

PiggyWiggy PiggyWiggy

"live AHA-chan reaction"

A-HA-chan scored a big hit in the 1980s, which is unfortunately mostly what they're remembered by.

Originally seen at The Handroid Edition (11th August 2023)

PiggyWiggy PiggyWiggy


Hey did you know that despite the terms "sideboob" and "underboob" both being codified by weeaboo art experts, there is no specific single tag used for when cleavage is exposed all the way down like Jelly's Somnium-Chan design has. Just thought you'd want to know.

Originally seen at The Handroid Edition (11th August 2023)

(PiggyWiggy) (PiggyWiggy)

"what American Heart Association-chan does in her spare time"

The whiplash of seeing the AHA show up, go "oh my favourite game!" to rage quitting the stream calling you insane was incredible. Love the work, thank you.
Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain.

Originally seen at There's Only 60 Minutes in Fanart (4th August 2023)

(PiggyWiggy) (PiggyWiggy)

"there are huge breasts pointing"

Original Joe Point by Jelly! When asked if this was okay with them to upload to Museum, Jelly had this to say:
"Huge breasts are fine by me."

A sentiment we can all agree with.

Originally seen at There's Only 60 Minutes in Fanart (4th August 2023)