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(MiniNinja2) (MiniNinja2)

"Piss-chan propaganda is not a phrase I though I would ever say"

I watched in horror as this concept formed in real time in jads.

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

(MiniNinja2) (MiniNinja2)

"Piss-chan cosplays an Indie character"

No Jads, I will NOT rename the "I'm not calling it that" folder to the Piss folder.

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

(MiniNinja2) (MiniNinja2)

"New propaganda"

Awww, look! It's Anne again! I believe in you Anne, no matter what happens, be glad with how high you're polling. The people love you!

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)