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luna-panda (luna.panda) luna-panda (luna.panda)

"Need I say more?"

yeah fair enough

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

luna-panda (luna.panda) luna-panda (luna.panda)

"Just a reminder what you gonna miss out on if Trolley-Chan won’t win"

Pov; you are just a little vent

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Courtesy of luna-panda! (luna.panda) Courtesy of luna-panda! (luna.panda)

"I can’t believe we had Joe comeo in Alan Wank
Also fuck perspective. I can't draw that shit"

How much time had passed since then? Anderson no longer knew what the word meant. He scurried around his meager confinement, taking no heed of the objects within. A hovel of delusions, a monument to madness itself. A noise like hushed voices echoed from the room's door, and his body rushed towards it like a prehistoric predator. "+2? +2? +2? +2? +2?" His pleading added up to nothing.

He was trapped, within and without. Outside, the sky darkened.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)

Courtesy of luna-panda! (luna.panda) Courtesy of luna-panda! (luna.panda)

"Sanest Joe fan. It had to be done. I can’t believe I had to download a picture of a fursuit to draw this. Anyway what will sell out more, Joms teddy bear or Joe pillow?"

Furries will forever stand as a testament to the indomitable will of the human spirit. Imagine going outside in a full mascot costume for HOURS and not dying of heat stroke. I sweat buckets if it's a little too sunny out! It's just not fair.

Originally seen at Last Fanart Before the Gigapause (26th September 2023)

Also courtesy of luna-panda! (luna.panda) Also courtesy of luna-panda! (luna.panda)

"There is a chan inside of every one of us"

Of course, every furry has their limits, I assume. If you (yes, YOU) would like to get in touch with your Inner Chan, feel free to pop into the Joseph Anderson Discord Server and start chatting in dragons-den. You should see results in as little as one Brisket Guilty Gear pfp change.

Originally seen at Last Fanart Before the Gigapause (26th September 2023)

Courtesy of Luna-Panda! (luna-panda#5994) Courtesy of Luna-Panda! (luna-panda#5994)

"Write something funny here later"

I like to think that being an Essential NPC is an in-universe aspect of Bethesda games. A rare power acquired by a precious... many?

Originally seen at It Just Wokes (8th September 2023)

luna-panda (luna-panda#5994) luna-panda (luna-panda#5994)

"POV: you are Donkey from Shrek"


Originally seen at Handsome Joe (4rd September 2023)