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(Krakonis) (Krakonis)

"Propaganda for the one true BOAT, bomb chan!

She's the only one of the chans who canonically has experience as a sailor, and was a main character in the voting game. What's not to love???

I tried to do it in black and white, like the comics marik did in the voting game, to honor tradition."

Who then? Who will join the boat? What will the view look like? Let's take a look...

Originally seen at 1984 Gif here (7th of December 2023)

Paddle (paddele) Paddle (paddele)

"Disco Eric-sium: Chan of All Time Edition
I would do more disco elysium inspired art about Eric and Patch-Chan detective duo as propaganda, but my limited artistic ability forbids me right now"

[YOU] - These options are all very different and hard to pick - Can't I just say I like all of them?

[JOSEPH ANDERSON] - Pick one of these Chans or Eric or fuck off.

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)