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janArt Initiative Activated (28th July 2023)

Welcome to the janArt Initiative Welcome to the janArt Initiative

"It's been iterated over and over for a long time. You've seen only a hint of what's to come. Imgur has failed us far too often. Slowly, we've been building a bastion for our work, to improve upon this imperfect gallery. And by we, I mean Bulder, he made the fully independantly hosted website without upload limits, imgur jank, access for multiple potential fanart curators, and much more other kinds of potential that don't make me redundant in the future."

Thank you very much Bulder for your work, the sleek 3 section text is here for the sake of posting Author, Author comments, and Uploader description all being very visually distinct. This baby boasts multiple different file handling aka literally any other than the 4 imgur allows, control over looping video on the uploader's end, none of imgur's bullshit, and multiple gallery archives. Beautiful.

Diag (diagamon) Diag (diagamon)

"(first time posting here) warm up sketch of how I think Joe looks whenever he starts a stream on a decently good day. Though it seems like he gets better as the stream goes on."

Looks awesome! Thank you so much! To be fair with those boss fights in rabi ribi, his skills are definitely getting better too. You're doing great Joe.

Jelly (jelly386)

"I've had this one cooking in my head for a week now, but I only actually put it in the oven 5 hours ago.
It's 6 AM now.
Worth it.

Special thanks to Kaylie (Kaylio64) for helping me put the video together (one day I'll learn how to do it myself) and to (SmokedHam), whose Lili design I b̶l̶a̶t̶a̶n̶t̶l̶y̶ ̶s̶t̶o̶l̶e politely commandeered for this artistic endeavor!"

We were literally in a voice call going back and forth on the kiss timing. A frame by frame discussion.

Tc Agam (picciz) Tc Agam (picciz)

"based on events that appear to occur every 5 minutes or so in the rabi ribi streams - and a strange image that occurred to me when joe was talking about using a bat to beat a zombie"

It quite literally got funnier every time, I kept pinning the good first time messages from chatters absolutely blindsided by it. Quite the tonal whiplash in this week for stream games huh? Thank you Paw Patrol. This is just going to appreciate in value as a pocket story we have, matter of factly explaining "Zuma from Paw Patrol made me a bunny girl", like me and that one mario kart story.

Duckie (firstduckie) Duckie (firstduckie)

"Joe became a bunny girl and it's great"

Look on the bright side Joe. The bunny ears aren't pink.

It can't get worse than that.

4G-LTE (4glte) 4G-LTE (4glte)

"bunnycoi osfnoe"

Oh let me guess joe, you'll zoom in on this ass but not the bunny girl one I drew???

Goodbye new viewers.

Simmsy Simmsy

"i have missed every rabi ribi stream due to work but that would never stop me"

Did you see this coming after the first bunnygirl or what

Einen Kaffee Bitte (franzkafkaffee) Einen Kaffee Bitte (franzkafkaffee)

"This was Jelly's (jelly386) idea.

(Jelly said they'd buy me PS5 if I draw this. I can't wait)"

EKB likes to draw in literal 4k so be sure to zoom in on this like it's not Bunny girl ass. No really, jokes aside this took a brand new website and alot of effort from bulder making it which I take credit for to get in uncompressed, and clearly alot of effort to draw, and that texturing too. MMM perfect.

Jelly (jelly386) Jelly (jelly386)

"The Breaker-chan bunnysuit was my idea, but adding Dev-chan into the mix (and absolutely fucking KILLING IT with this incredible art) was aaaaaaaall EKB. Here's the hastily scribbled concept I drew at 4 AM to prove it!

(I said no such thing! This was a chan-for-chan exchange *pout*)

(don't worry about putting the sketch in Janart btw-)"

shhhh shhh shhh just buy the PS5 jelly, I decide what goes in here.

Einen Kaffee Bitte (franzkafkaffee) Einen Kaffee Bitte (franzkafkaffee)

"Marik told me to post this one too"

Still relevant after the Rabi Ribi Chapter 8 Incident

Simmsy Simmsy

"the final bee chan art"

Multiple members of the discord have suggested I remove what I initially typed here.

You people are cowards.

Maple (maplebnuuy) Maple (maplebnuuy)

"i’m 4 months behind on streams but i really like it when joe says “AN french fry!” so i made my first joeriginal chanracter Anne French Fry"

Would you take her home?

4G-LTE (4glte) 4G-LTE (4glte)

"Joe when he heartlessly leaves Anne French Fry behind, wasting a perfectly good piece of food that he could've saved for later."

It's weird how we always deviate to food topics when we're slowly losing it, huh? JADS eats paper and grass, I drink with a straw, and no matter what I am apparently the insane person.

Hope, Hajime! (hopehajime) Hope, Hajime! (hopehajime)

"Excited for Joe to play Dujanah! I first wanted to do something slightly more pretty, but then I realized that it would require going out and buying some new materials, and it's far too hot to commit to the bit that hard. So you are getting. Whatever this is.

(I hope that when dog sends me to hell, he hesitates.)"

This was made by Hope, who also had an alternate name of Sasha hall, who had the pen name FGHNiki outside discord, and had the discord handle _creechur_

Last fanart made them change usernames lol, they were INCREDIBLY EMBARRASSED cos I had no idea which of the many names on their account and on the art and the handle to credit them by. Now all of their handles are unified! This isn't bullying I have permission to explain this.

Dujanah sure was a thing. Whatever happened there makes you think. Really makes you think. It sure do. Repent for your crime of killing Wobbles the clown, Joe.

Kaylie (Kaylio64)


This is a polished, refined and actually the OG vision from back when I drew the courtroom. It changed over time to suit what was relevant to the stream, but since fanart got pushed back I had the opportunity to finish this. Thank god the rogue mod incident is still relevant, right?"

I'm glad that it did get pushed back since my bed is comfy, I'm lazy, animating is a bitch, and another thing that makes sense that i can't be bothered to think of, idk. In the spirit of keeping things lazy, the rest of the fanart left is the previous/alternate version of this, a looping gif of that, then an uncompressed still image for zooming in hd style, all of which I didn't edit the description of since Tuesday, so PLEASE speed through em lol

Oh and don't feel bad Joe, genuinely, fanart being delayed gives me more reason to polish up the art and spend some time refining it. Hell, this has already been used in some highlights compilations too!

Ya girl (Kaylio64)

"Special thanks to Jelly (jelly386) for the assistance, I recruited them for the initial sketch, as I felt like the vibe of their style worked perfectly for this!

The background is the old trial art I did, instead of the clear bg gif in Discord, because 1: Imgur doesn't allow big gifs without turning them into white background videos, and 2: The first frame having that text is BOUND to set chat off, maybe even Joe, so he can provide his own audio. esp cos i couldn't find a clean clip of joe saying it lol. idk maybe i'll just ask directly in dms next time instead of trying to get him to say it in fanart.

The splashes on the side use to be black and white, not black and grey, and flashed 4 times faster, but I'm going to do the opposite of Rabi Ribi and make it epilepsy safe.

This used to be a whole thing where I'd animate a trial going on with the other mods, Marik being represented by MarBun covering herself as her top slipped off, and whatever the fuck Alduin Feet Pic's avatar is (even he doesn't know who that character is) and so on but I encountered one minor inconvenience so. ANIMATING IS HARD. IVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR WEEKS. glad i finished this JUST in time."

Really annoying how imgur doesn't allow you to upload big gifs, so I was forced to make this version. anyway next up is the big gif version of this cos we're not on imgur.

Guess who (Kaylio64) Guess who (Kaylio64)

"Thank god for being lazy"

While I'm here, have you heard of hit new pokemon game, Pokemon Sleep? It's a Pokemon game you play by going into SOM-NI-UM, it has terrible framerate, half of it is in loading screens, has barely anything to do, like a massive bunch of patches to install every day and it's still bugged up the ass, questionable choices, pikachu is forced into your face, you get stuck in endless error loops booting you to the title screen forever which softlock you, and fans already kinda hate it. Basically the same as any other modern pokemon game because I sleep through the gameplay as well.

I'm just abusing power here idc this animation took forever and im typing this on my birthday and i drew the assets in 2k res for some reason, I'm 50% as crazy as EKB but with 0% of the PS5, my friend code for pokemon sleep is: 6589-1576-7279

Still fuckin me (Kaylio64) Still fuckin me (Kaylio64)

"Here's an uncompressed PNG for you to enjoy and zoom in on (pls no really the bunny ass took so much effort don't do the same here), pre "let's not kill epileptics" alterations. I kept Jelly's shading style cos it added so much. Love you Jelly.

I did say this last fanart, but I really appreciate the streams, Joe. Been having alot of fun, you're honestly killing it for a part of the game you're not nearly supposed to be in, and without all the proper abilities too, like intended mobility yet doing a hitless fight, LLUJ. Thanks, and hope you enjoy the *intended* difficulty fights which are *more* balanced and fair, and yet still bullshit.

Wanna know how the pre item wall jump works? You need to face away from the wall you jump off, after leaving the ground, before you turn into it. You doing the little twirl did actually help."

ah yes. the intended difficulty fights he recieved later on. yeah. hrm. about that, tuesday kay.

Jelly (jelly386) Jelly (jelly386)

"Always happy to help! Just like with the Breaker-chan Bunnysuit, here's the concept sketch I provided

(again don't worry about putting the sketch in Janart btw-)"

NO IM PUTTING IT IN, IT LOOKS GOOD. AND YOU DESERVE CREDIT. Not like this segment has gone on long enough