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Courtesy of Equiz! (equiz923) Courtesy of Equiz! (equiz923)

"ive been catching up w the starfield vods and an old buff space trucker that wears no clothes is such a funny goddamn character kinda living for it"

Over the range, Anderson spotted a man who boggled the mind. Clad in nothing but a trucker cap and his... skin-tight unmentionables, the figure gave him a sharp salute, seemingly undeterred by the elements. Mouth agape, Anderson could only watch as the trucker made his way towards him, effortlessly navigating the rocky terrain.

"I've got a package for you, Mr. Anderson," the trucker said. Anderson stiffened, desperately trying not to look down. "These chanuscripts hold the key. Study them closely. Only you know what must be done."

The trucker handed him an assortment of papers, a collection of the very same manuscript pages he had been finding over his travels. They felt lighter somehow, more pure. His face scrunched in confused realization. "Hold on, did you call these CHANuscripts? What kind of anime bullshit are you-" But when he whipped his head towards the trucker in accusation, he was greeted with nothing but dust. An infinite emptiness, filled only with more questions.

He slowly began to thumb through the chanuscript pages.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)

Courtesy of Daxtear! (daxtear) Courtesy of Daxtear! (daxtear)

"esuoM yekciM"

Howdy hey, sleepy Jelly here, once again in charge of the JanArt showcase - whether you like it or not. Content warnings for today's showcase include: questionable copyright infringement (you're looking at it), preemptive merchandising, and 5% damage weapon buffs.
But that's just a buncha pseudo-legal mumbo-jumbo if you ask me, boss.

Originally seen at Last Fanart Before the Gigapause (26th September 2023)

Highlaw Highlaw

"I thought it would be funny to replicate Bethesda's creepy underglow lighting™ on characters, but it was just distressing to create and look at these.. things for 3 hours straight. Never again."

The only partner that never complained, shining like the sun.

Originally seen at End of Starfielgelion (20th September 2023)

RuinManiac RuinManiac

"Tried to paint the best character in starfield"

Hi chat, hi Joe, it's me this week, Bulder. I'll refrain from using this space to soapbox about Starfield, lest I be yanked off stage vaudeville style. Instead, check out the number of LULs and +2s for the couple of previous streams at https://jatistics.bulder.fi/data/

Originally seen at End of Starfielgelion (20th September 2023)

harmva harmva

"crimson feet i mean crimson feet uh crimson feet I mean feet i mean crimson feet i mean crimson feet
— Joseph Anderson when trying to say “Crimson Fleet”"

If Joe says it's fine, it's fine, I guess.

Originally seen at End of Starfielgelion (20th September 2023)

Highlaw Highlaw

"So... originally instead of the small text (reference to a certain character) there was another bit - I added 2 ChatGPT Starborn battle shouts mixed in with the originals, but felt too mean so I deleted that, problem is that I placed them out of order and it worked too well, so I no longer know what's what."

Okay so let's talk about how Starfield ended up. Obviously the parallels to No Man's Sky are very surface level, but comparatively that game had a thesis about exploration and- hey, what are you doing, put that long cane away- no- stop I need to-

Originally seen at End of Starfielgelion (20th September 2023)

Courtesy of Sam And Thank You Very Much Kay! (samandunintellectual) Courtesy of Sam And Thank You Very Much Kay! (samandunintellectual)

"Funny mining laser does funny things"

You thought we were done with chans? NEhehe! That was a LIE!

Originally seen at It Just Wokes (8th September 2023)

Courtesy of Marik! (marikbentusi) Courtesy of Marik! (marikbentusi)

Back to Stahfield! Don't you just hate when a bad plan comes together? I think we've all had an impulse purchase like this at some point in our lives.

On an unrelated note: Marik and I have been going back and forth on the gun designs in this game for a while, and I gotta say - as pistol aficionados, we are NOT impressed. You can do better than this, Todd.

Originally seen at It Just Wokes (8th September 2023)

Also courtesy of SuckMyElbows! (suckmyelbows) Also courtesy of SuckMyElbows! (suckmyelbows)

"Still does vore if you ask them."

Traipsing through treacherous territory necessitates tough trans-portation. Tried and true, Star-chan tramples trials thick and thin - trust.

Originally seen at It Just Wokes (8th September 2023)

Courtesy of Zerstoren! (zerstorenhv) Courtesy of Zerstoren! (zerstorenhv)

"'Airlock exploits' this, 'parts of your ship floating 100 km in the distance firing despite all logic' that..... can we please talk about the gunfeel? Why is nobody talking about the gunfeel?"

Zerst named this file "not to play into stereotypes but someone had to make the joke."
Make of that what you will.

Originally seen at It Just Wokes (8th September 2023)