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There's Only 60 Minutes in Fanart (4th August 2023)

(Simmsy) (Simmsy)

"bonus 12 minutes illustration"

Was that game real? I'm not sure.
It might be a bonus, but too good to not put first.

(Simmsy) (Simmsy)

"sleeping pill chan, main character of 12 minutes (reposted and editted because i added shading and lesbian undertones)"

I was going to ask something but then I realised we weren't in Rabi Ribi anymore, and that'd make ME the weird one. Adorable design, thank you so much!

Peruredi_ on Twitter, shared by Simmsy Peruredi_ on Twitter, shared by Simmsy

"i posted my design of sleeping pill chan on twitter and my friend @Peruredi_ on twitter drew her! check her out if you like the style

is this the first ever accidental Jart? who can say"

(18+) the twitter is (18+) i cannot stress enough the twitter is (18+)

I reached out to Peru for confirmation if we can show this, and one thing stood out to me: "oh holy crap thats actually awesome, i had no idea tbh! honestly i'm not all familiar with streamers and stuff but i'd be down to give em a watch because the idea of making inanimate objects into anime gorls is so fun"

Congrats Joe this is your reputation now

(Simmsy) (Simmsy)

"last one"

Thank god we don't have to deal with Imgur terms of service, I'm about to get banned off the site.
This isn't a joke.

Simmsy for the crime of naming 2 files "image.png" that i can't keep in the same folder, i'm renaming this to "simmsy_sister_incest.png"
...Are those wet patches?

A real work of art A real work of art
Paddle (paddele) Paddle (paddele)

"Lili Daggers"

I really like the design and art on this! I'm still in disbelief that Joe survived that. The economy in shambles.

Paddle (paddele) Paddle (paddele)

"this is what I thought joe's bedroom setup looked like"

*Gruff narrator voice:* "The unrelenting application of violence yields morbid gains."

God the Lili Daggers design is so good

Lunatic Eyes (lunaticeyes.) Lunatic Eyes (lunaticeyes.)

"Joe when he's evolve idling
(got so bored watching the FFXVI vods that I started doodling, who knew that the world had such wonderful streams)"

IDK a thing about Evolve Idle, so the best thing I could think of to go with this visual IS TO RETURN TO THE TOPIC OF 12 MINUTES IN THE FANART LETS GOOOOO

(RetroDragonfly) (RetroDragonfly)

"I love how unintentionally hilarious this game is"

Gotta help yourself to a nice dessert, then help yourself to a nice William Dafoe, THEN you help your wife.
Babe? Babe? Babe? Babe? Babe? Babe? Babe? Babe? Babe? Babe?

(PiggyWiggy) (PiggyWiggy)

"what American Heart Association-chan does in her spare time"

The whiplash of seeing the AHA show up, go "oh my favourite game!" to rage quitting the stream calling you insane was incredible. Love the work, thank you.
Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain.

Sam (samandunintellectual) Sam (samandunintellectual)

"the american heart association does not approve of sleep pilling Willem Dafoe, they do, however, approve of saying mean things in twitch chat"

Sir? Sir? Sir? Sir? Sir? Sir? Sir? Sir?

(RetroDragonfly) (RetroDragonfly)

"Made some joe-ball sketches during stream, thank you to Lek (lek__) for the idea!"

(RetroDragonfly) (RetroDragonfly)

"Also, we know what those sounds were at the beginning of the stream, joe, you're not fooling us!"

Who's teeth are they Joe? Tell us!

Eno (enomagla) Eno (enomagla)

"joe said ''an degree'' and it gave me the idea to draw her getting out of minimum wage hell
that's what getting a degree does right? :clueless:"

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha aaaaaaaahhhhhh shit

Tep (tep5) Tep (tep5)

"b/c somnium is back, did a sketch of proposed character for future hit videogame n0stril (or whatever it is im not going back and checking): Diasuke "Nobody" Noze. He's a detective who smells out crime obviously, but the other jokes write themselves so ill leave it at that."

Zerstoren: "human!mcgruff the crime dog"

(PiggyWiggy) (PiggyWiggy)

"there are huge breasts pointing"

Original Joe Point by Jelly! When asked if this was okay with them to upload to Museum, Jelly had this to say:
"Huge breasts are fine by me."

A sentiment we can all agree with.

Sam (samandunintellectual) Sam (samandunintellectual)

"I started work on this before she just decided to let ryuki do a somnium on her just off screen πŸ˜”"

The expressions on this are so good. I love them, thank you for the art, Sam

I didn't actually finish this game, I was too checked out to be honest, so I fully expect her to magic herself back to life, do a dance number, no clip out of the world, and even though she's confusing to me, I'll still like her cos she's hot.

Jelly (jelly386) Jelly (jelly386)

"Awaken your Third AI, but only for six minutes at a time... it's the Lazy AI, Somnium-chan, with a brand new coat of paint!
(Get it? Third eye? Like spiritual awakening? Nirvana? Or how about "lazy eye," since she's always *drifting* off to sleep? Eh? Eh?)
Featuring Simmsy's equally-drowsy Sleeping Pill-chan! You know, I hear their relationship is *up for interpretation*."

Jelly made the chibi a caterpillar cos it looks like a sleeping bag!

yes. this is the entire reason for the redesign. jelly has been screaming the last few streams in jads about the little chibi designs, it's like watching a cat see food go into the cupboard, you just know what they're planning.

Thank you Jelly, she's adorable!

Sam (samandunintellectual) 🎷πŸͺ‘ Sam (samandunintellectual) 🎷πŸͺ‘



(c806256) (c806256)

"Our boy got so excited here!"

I'm incredibly disturbed that I remember the original drawing you did that this is referencing in enough clarity that I can tell they're the exact same as last time. Let's pretend this is an artist thing and not a gay thing.

Lovely art. Thank you!

Meesk (meeskify) Meesk (meeskify)

"As AITSF’s number one fan and AINI’s number one hater, I felt compelled to do something quick to depict the current state of the streams. Hope everyone is enjoying the streams and knows that Amame is best girl."

Quick question, Meesk, you call yourself Nirvana Initiative's Number One Hater, but can I claim that I am actually the number one hater? Because I am.

"You may 'claim' sure! But i live in hate of this game every waking moment"

Every waking moment? So you finished it? I hate the game so much that I didn't. Curious.

"I'm no quitter"