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Courtesy of harmva (rinseo's wife)! (harmva) Courtesy of harmva (rinseo's wife)! (harmva)

"trolley (it was Caps' idea)"

Trolley-chan knew all along that she would never be there to see the end. It was the fate of all props - trifling things meant only to fill space and sell the illusion of reality. She knew it wouldn't work, and yet she foolishly tried anyway. What had it gotten her, in the end? She watched helplessly as Joe crawled through the vent, slinking around a corner and out of her vision forever. She savored the memories of their journey, of the sights she was never meant to see and the power she was never meant to wield.

This was enough, she told herself. It was more than she could have ever wanted.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)

harmva harmva

"Say hi to snail-chan she got here as fast as she could"

Now, this might be pareidolia, but I see Ayaya in the shell. Do you, chat?

Originally seen at End of Starfielgelion (20th September 2023)

harmva (2/2) harmva (2/2)

I really need to figure out a better way to format multi-image fanart. If you've got any ideas, contact me so I can come up with an excuse as to why it's not going to work for the site.

Originally seen at End of Starfielgelion (20th September 2023)

harmva harmva

"when no stream šŸ—æ"

Now also available as an emote on JADS.
Two creatures huh.

Originally seen at End of Starfielgelion (20th September 2023)

harmva (1/2)

"This is supposed to be me reading @zeneckā€™s and @davithebeeā€˜s messages on JADS before making this image but animated"

The Joevangelion janart continues. You know, maybe the 2006 pseudoscientific self-help book, The Secret, had a point. Maybe if we believe hard enough, Joe *will* watch Evangelion.

Originally seen at End of Starfielgelion (20th September 2023)

harmva (2/2) harmva (2/2)

Harmva's original images use a noise texture that is somewhat accurate to the movies, but as a consequence their filesizes were all above 40 megabytes. Oops. Anyways I ran them through a file mangler and managed to crush them to one fifth of that while maintaining the slightly soft movie accurate look that they pretty much nailed. Next image would have been Cream-chan, but society happened.

Originally seen at End of Starfielgelion (20th September 2023)

harmva harmva

"crimson feet i mean crimson feet uh crimson feet I mean feet i mean crimson feet i mean crimson feet
ā€” Joseph Anderson when trying to say ā€œCrimson Fleetā€"

If Joe says it's fine, it's fine, I guess.

Originally seen at End of Starfielgelion (20th September 2023)

Courtesy of Harmva! (harmva) Courtesy of Harmva! (harmva)

"Since joe finally transitioned I decided it would be a good opportunity to draw genderbent version of joeā€™s dragon persona
I hope you donā€™t mind me gender bending joe mama"

Whuh-oh. Seems like things are gettin' a little hairy out there. We should split while we still can, chat.

Originally seen at It Just Wokes (8th September 2023)

Also courtesy of Harmva! (harmva) Also courtesy of Harmva! (harmva)

"Joe dream fan art hope you like it"

Now here's the real question: was the wing sauced? If so, what sauce did Joe's subconscious select?
Anything other than buffalo parm is wrong, but knowing Joe that wouldn't be her first mistake.

Originally seen at It Just Wokes (8th September 2023)