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Courtesy of 404SamNotFound! (404SamNotFound#7291) Courtesy of 404SamNotFound! (404SamNotFound#7291)

"Too Fast. Too Soon."

He broke the game by using the mechanics in it, so clearly his win is WRONG. It's because of Ourobose!

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Courtesy of Ash! (asheshyr) Courtesy of Ash! (asheshyr)

"honestly a very light chan-ing designwise, but they are my Wheel of Names-chan and Undo-chan regardless"

Well, there's an Undo-chan we haven't seen before! I'm used to her being more... megalomaniacal? What a delightfully pure channification.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Courtesy of Hope! (hopehajime)

"i had a joke planned for this message but i. forgor 💀"

Are you familiar with the ancient symbol known as the Ouroboros, Zach? Yes, well I suppose it *is* a pretty common symbol, as far as representation in media. A serpent eating its own tail, self-destructive and self-sustaining at the same time... quite the vicious cycle, no? Oh, excuse me. Just feeling a little philosophical is all, Zach. Back to the case - the showcase, that is.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Courtesy of 4G-LTE! (4glte) Courtesy of 4G-LTE! (4glte)

"when the 1guycel says something so joephobic that you gotta hit them with that true anderson stare"

"none of these words are in the inscryption rulebook" - Kay

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Also courtesy of Hope! (hopehajime) Also courtesy of Hope! (hopehajime)

"meanwhile, somewhere, in a far better universe, JO3 has his revenge on the backseating chatters"

You posted this that 12:16 PM EST... trying to get a last minute fanart in to slip by me, eh? I shan't slack on my curation duties THIS early in the game.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Also courtesy of Snowdozer! (snowdozer) Also courtesy of Snowdozer! (snowdozer)

"We Never Left Rabi-Ribi"

I'm not so sure we even *can* leave Rabi Ribi at this point. Bunnygirl ass is practically part of our DNA.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

A hat-trick, courtesy of Snowdozer! (snowdozer) A hat-trick, courtesy of Snowdozer! (snowdozer)

"What Have You People Done To Me?"

A loving depiction of what Joe probably did upon realizing, once again, that Mars Needs Senpais might just become a real thing.
Make sure to zoom in and get a close look at the inner machinations of a dragon's shattered mind.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Courtesy of GoldstarKnight! (goldstarknight) Courtesy of GoldstarKnight! (goldstarknight)

"Hi, I made short comic about my favourite weeb streamer. :)"

This is your off-ramp for spoilers, chat! We're approaching the cliff at a blistering 6 minutes per Somnium, which I'm currently being told is both an unreliable and completely fluid amount of time.
Seriously though, heavy spoilers ahead.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Courtesy of Ney! (neymiiii) Courtesy of Ney! (neymiiii)

"The cliff; so far"

"So far" of course being in reference to the size of the drop.
...could've sworn Joe already streamed Getting Over It.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Also courtesy of Sam and Thank You Very Much Kay! (samandunintellectual) Also courtesy of Sam and Thank You Very Much Kay! (samandunintellectual)

"Osebouros my beloved"

Yeah, what he said! He only won because of Ourobose!

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)