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Courtesy of Sam and Thank You Very Much Kay! (samandunintellectual) Courtesy of Sam and Thank You Very Much Kay! (samandunintellectual)

"I was planning on making loads of these but then Joe didn’t die :chadapon:"

It's a wonder Joe beat Leshy, what with Waffles betraying him like that. Just tossed him aside like some kind of classmate.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Courtesy of 404SamNotFound! (404SamNotFound#7291) Courtesy of 404SamNotFound! (404SamNotFound#7291)

"Too Fast. Too Soon."

He broke the game by using the mechanics in it, so clearly his win is WRONG. It's because of Ourobose!

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Courtesy of Hope! (hopehajime)

"i had a joke planned for this message but i. forgor 💀"

Are you familiar with the ancient symbol known as the Ouroboros, Zach? Yes, well I suppose it *is* a pretty common symbol, as far as representation in media. A serpent eating its own tail, self-destructive and self-sustaining at the same time... quite the vicious cycle, no? Oh, excuse me. Just feeling a little philosophical is all, Zach. Back to the case - the showcase, that is.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Also courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi) Also courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi)

"Inscryption: Breaker-chan, Black Sheep-chan"

Look at how pleased he is with himself. He knows what he's doing, breaking the game like that.
Awwwww, I can't stay mad at him.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Also courtesy of Hope! (hopehajime) Also courtesy of Hope! (hopehajime)

"meanwhile, somewhere, in a far better universe, JO3 has his revenge on the backseating chatters"

You posted this that 12:16 PM EST... trying to get a last minute fanart in to slip by me, eh? I shan't slack on my curation duties THIS early in the game.

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)

Also courtesy of Sam and Thank You Very Much Kay! (samandunintellectual) Also courtesy of Sam and Thank You Very Much Kay! (samandunintellectual)

"Osebouros my beloved"

Yeah, what he said! He only won because of Ourobose!

Originally seen at Cream Dreams of Cliff-Diving (26th August 2023)