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(Simmsy) (Simmsy)

"sleeping pill chan, main character of 12 minutes (reposted and editted because i added shading and lesbian undertones)"

I was going to ask something but then I realised we weren't in Rabi Ribi anymore, and that'd make ME the weird one. Adorable design, thank you so much!

Originally seen at There's Only 60 Minutes in Fanart (4th August 2023)

(Simmsy) (Simmsy)

"bonus 12 minutes illustration"

Was that game real? I'm not sure.
It might be a bonus, but too good to not put first.

Originally seen at There's Only 60 Minutes in Fanart (4th August 2023)

(Simmsy) (Simmsy)

"last one"

Thank god we don't have to deal with Imgur terms of service, I'm about to get banned off the site.
This isn't a joke.

Simmsy for the crime of naming 2 files "image.png" that i can't keep in the same folder, i'm renaming this to "simmsy_sister_incest.png"
...Are those wet patches?

Originally seen at There's Only 60 Minutes in Fanart (4th August 2023)

Simmsy Simmsy

"the final bee chan art"

Multiple members of the discord have suggested I remove what I initially typed here.

You people are cowards.

Originally seen at janArt Initiative Activated (28th July 2023)

Simmsy Simmsy

"i have missed every rabi ribi stream due to work but that would never stop me"

Did you see this coming after the first bunnygirl or what

Originally seen at janArt Initiative Activated (28th July 2023)