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Jelly (jelly386) Jelly (jelly386)

"And thank you, @zerstorenhv, for hosting the JART session and being great company while I worked on some chanart of my own! I said in the last JANART showcase that my next fanart would be, shall we say less than topical, and I am nothing if not a chan of my word. Today, I humbly present you with a chan from the Yakuza 0 era who, by the original creator's own decree, has a "perfect pull out game." Truly inspirational (well, maybe not for Joe).
(Featuring @anxiousshortstack (ketchup_kiddo)'s cool-as-ice Yosh-chan!)"

It's a vintage chan! Yosh-chan dates back to Yazooka 0. She'll make you yosh out of your gourd.

Originally seen at Handsome Joe (4rd September 2023)