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"I present Dude-Chan and Duuuuude-Chan, as was requested of me. (they are dating, to be clear)"

Dude-Chan and Duuuuude-Chan had been going steady for a couple months now. They met last semester in some meaningless gen ed class, and immediately hit it off with one another. Dude-chan loved her carefree attitude, and the cute way she'd always trail off while talking about whatever new game she was playing. Duuuuude-chan loved how blunt she was, and couldn't remember the second thing. It was a match made in chan heaven.

With the last of the chanuscripts completed, Anderson sighed. He wasn't sure exactly what these pages were meant to show him, but it was a nice reprieve if nothing else. Suddenly, he smelled smoke.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)