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Courtesy of Jester! (steeljester)

"I unburrow out of my lurking cave to celebrate a year of excellent streams and community memes. And what better way to celebrate with the totally not ruined hobby of card collecting! So here is the spoiler season of the card set….. Legend of the Settled Dragon!!

Seriously, more than a year ago I joined the community and during that period I was thinking about making some drawings to commemorate some of my favorite streams of 2022 but I didn't have the time to finish them. Thanks to Latty for motivating me by presenting me with the JASB cards! As most of the drawings I already made fit perfectly in the new banner.

I took a break to make a few designs, a few terrible jokes and well here we are. It varied a bit from the current format so please don't expect the cards to look like this if they are ever imported to page, I just have so much fun with them c;

I really appreciate being a weeb with all of you, including you, Joe. Now with your permission I'm going to burrow and continue my fight with the gig economy. cheers!"

Cheap plastic crinkled under Anderson's foot, a strange sound to hear in the middle of the woods. Reaching towards the noise, he found a pack of collectible trading cards labeled "Yu-Gi-Joe! Legend of the Settled Dragon." The definition of "manuscript page" was certainly being stretched, but there was no denying that this was one of them.

Opening the pack, he quickly flipped through to the final card - the only one which would actually be of any value. A holographic Jams of Greed greeted his avaricious eyes. The Red Presence gazed through him.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)