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Courtesy of Seal! (pyroseal) Courtesy of Seal! (pyroseal)

"Better snail than never. i had this idea on the RE 4 stream and my friend drew this."

There, in the center of the final panel, Anderson found himself paralyzed with recognition. It was the Red Presence from earlier. Why was it there? What did it mean? Was it following him?

Wracked with paranoia, he began to spiral. He could feel his limbs growing weak, numb from the sheer weight of his panic. It was as if TV static flooded his veins from the outside in. He needed to ground himself in reality - or whatever facsimile of it he currently occupied. He strained his gaze towards Leon's ample posterior. He was an ass-man, and the sight had always brought him comfort, even in the darkest of times.

The numbness subsided. This would not be how his story ended.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)