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(Krakonis) (Krakonis)

"Okay so I may have just stayed up 4 hours longer than I originally intended because my brain would not let me rest after I got this idea in my head. Allegedly."

Isn't that how all the best art is done? Thank you Krakonis!

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)

CrimsonOcat CrimsonOcat

"Joejill (and joms)"

Time to stream weeb and diatribe

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)

(henrywayat) (henrywayat)

"Preemptive fanart for Alan Wake I guess? Storywise takes place after Anderson's farm (oh... I think I missed another idea for joke there), so maybe kinda spoiler-ish? Nothing major though and the game is like from 2010 but you do you. Also the whole first fanart attempt was a disaster from the start. I have some art background, bought a cheap tablet on a whim long time ago and tried it once or twice, nothing big, decided that "This time for sure!", failed miserably, everything is hard and clunky to me and uncomfortable, dropped the idea and decided to stick with the old ways. Massive respect to everyone who draws digital. Also I found this Witcher 3 logo and thought it looks like an S, so there, I hope the joke works."

Or it would have been pre-emptive if I remembered to post it in museum and put it in the showcase
In my defense, I never claimed to be a smart chan. I just play one on Twitch.tv.

Kay: Very sorry Henry, I love the art and it's a shame it was delayed.

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)

abbisnail (beeprince) abbisnail (beeprince)

"kilometer jadsworth idk LOL"

I don't have a joke I just really appreciate how she did the shading. is nice

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)

(RetroDragonfly) (RetroDragonfly)

"might as well share my contribution to the rain world voter base here as well
the slugjoe mod is now available for all to enjoy!
the mod requires Dress My Slugcat and you can install it by extracting the "slugjoe" folder to "Rain World\RainWorld_Data\StreamingAssets\mods"

here's 4 images showcasing slugcat Joe

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)

Marik Bentusi (marikbentusi)

"Alan Wake 2

Couldn't have asked for a better setup"

Super glad I'm petty enough to cling onto things from 2 years ago because I KNEW this would happen, you're welcome Marik (And thank you)

Originally seen at You are not immune... (1st of December 2023)

Courtesy of Daxtear! (daxtear) Courtesy of Daxtear! (daxtear)

"since this won't be shown until the context is long forgotten (if even), this is related to joe talking about one of his kids being a little monster and a chatter asking if he would use the silver sword on them, with this specific phrasing coming up eventually, thus the idea spawned"

"Steel for humans, silver for monsters." The words rang out in Anderson's head as he pondered the page. In it, he was a witcher, drawing his blade upon a defenseless child. He couldn't make heads or tails of the meaning, but he was certain the subreddit would have a field day with the symbolism.

If nothing else, it seemed like whoever had constructed this manuscript knew who he was - and what he was yet to do. He tried not to think too hard about what that could mean.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)

A hat-trick, courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi) A hat-trick, courtesy of Marik Bentusi! (marikbentusi)

"Joe doodle"

Anderson's vision blurred as the world around him fell to pieces, folding in on itself in a crescendo of light and noise. When his eyes finally focused, he was looking down upon himself from above, magnitudes larger than the forest that once surrounded him. At the same time, he gazed shakily up at himself, smaller than he had ever been in the face of the impossible made manifest. The Red Presence from the first manuscript - it had been him all long.

Fluttering through the wind, something caught his split attention. He watched as his smaller self lurched towards it, suddenly manic with focus. Beneath his maddeningly large gaze, he grasped the object from the air. It was a manuscript page. A chanuscript.

Like a cicada molting in the summer sun, reality shed a crumpled layer.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)